The Thrill of the Role

Late last night, I did something I don’t usually recommend—I woke up my pregnant wife. Now, before you raise an eyebrow, let me explain. I had just received a late-night email from the States with some incredibly exciting news: I’d been accepted for a role in an upcoming video game!

Even though this isn’t my first role, the excitement I felt was just as intense as when I landed my very first gig. My wife was genuinely happy for me, though her enthusiasm was understandably tempered by her need for sleep, and she quickly drifted back off.

Why the Excitement Never Fades

That thrill I felt last night is what drives me in this industry. Every new role brings a fresh wave of excitement, a sense of fulfillment that comes from knowing I’m contributing something unique to each project. It’s that feeling that keeps me pushing forward, always eager for the next opportunity to bring a character to life or narrate a compelling story.

The Reality of Rejection and Resilience

As voice actors, we’re often reminded that rejection is just part of the job. It’s a tough pill to swallow and for many, it can be the reason they eventually step away from the industry. The voice of doubt is one we all hear at times:

  • "I’m not good enough."

  • "I’m not as talented as I think."

  • "I don’t belong here."

I’ve wrestled with these thoughts for as long as I can remember—classic imposter syndrome. But over the years, I’ve learned how to manage that inner critic. I set those doubts aside and focus on what I’ve achieved so far.

Competing with Myself

Rather than competing with others, I focus on competing with myself. If I’m better now than I was a month ago, then I’m on the right path. If not, I take it as a sign that I need to push harder. The voiceover industry is filled with incredibly talented individuals, and it can feel overwhelming, like standing at the base of a towering mountain, staring up at the peak. But I remind myself that every journey to the top starts with one small step.

Each trail, each ridge, each false summit brings me closer to my goals. The journey may be long, and there will undoubtedly be setbacks, but the only way to ensure you don’t reach the summit is if you give up.

Looking Ahead

I’m incredibly excited about this new role, and I can’t wait to share more details about the upcoming game. Stay tuned—there’s much more to come!


From Dentistry to Voiceover